What will my child be learning this year?

Here is a look at what your child will be learning throughout the year. The skills and lessons taught are based on the Tennessee State Standards. I hope you find this information helpful.


Language ArtsWritingSpelling/VocabularyReadingAssessment
August (on-going)PIRATESNon-fiction: PiratesMagic Tree House Research Guide Fiction: Treasure IslandGreat Illustrated Classics Myth/Legend: Blackbeard(MTH research guide) Poem: “The Pirate”A Light in the AtticPg 49 Biography:Pirate Treasure (William Kid)  0301.1.3 Know and apply correctly the rules for capitalization (e.g., names, dates, cities and states, addresses, holidays, titles of books, first word in a sentence, proper nouns, titles, abbreviations, parts of a friendly letter, first word in a direct quotation  0301.1.4 Understand and use correctly standard marks of punctuation (e.g., end punctuation; periods in initials, abbreviations and titles before names; colon between hour and minutes; parts of a letter).  0301.1.15 Recognize complete sentences and sentence fragments and edit appropriately.  0301.1.13 Recognize sentence types—statements, questions, commands, and exclamations—and apply appropriate end marks when writing and vocal intonation when speaking.     SPI 0301.1.10 Identify declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences by recognizing appropriate end marks.0301.1.12 Write legibly in manuscript and in cursive.  0301.3.8 Use all steps in the writing process: brainstorm and organize ideas, create a first draft, revise and proofread draft, share completed work.  0301.3.9 Construct graphic organizers to group ideas for writing (e.g., webs, charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations).  0301.3.2 Write for a variety of purposes: to entertain, persuade, inform, demonstrate knowledge, answer questions, tell a story, respond to literature.      SPI 0301.3.1 Identify the purpose for writing (i.e., to entertain, to inform, to respond to a picture, story, or art). 0301.3.4 Write in journals.  0301.3.5 Practice writing to a prompt within a specified time.  0301.3.13 Revise writing to improve detail after determining what could be added or deleted (e.g., reread; rearrange words, sentences, paragraphs; add descriptive words; remove unneeded information; incorporate suggestions; vary sentences structures).      0301.3.14 Use resources (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, and computer) to aid in the writing process.  0301.3.15 Use a rubric to evaluate own and others’ writing through small group discussion and shared work.  0301.3.7 Write poems, stories, and essays based upon thoughts, feelings, and experiences.               0301.1.7 Spell correctly high-frequency and commonly misspelled words appropriate to grade level.  SPI 0301.1.12 Choose correctly (or incorrectly) spelled words in context. SPI 0301.1.13 Recognize grade level compound words, contractions, and common abbreviations within context. SPI 0301.1.18 Distinguish individual sounds, including consonant blends, within words. SPI 0301.1.19 Recognize grade appropriate vocabulary, including multiple-meaning words, within context. SPI 301.1.20 Determine word meaning through context clues.  0301.8.5 Build vocabulary by listening to literature and participating in discussions  0301.8.4 Read with increasing fluency and confidence from a variety of texts (e.g., paired readings, shared reading, choral reading, and teacher-led reading, reading from tapes/CDs).  0301.6.4 Identify the main idea and supporting details in text.   SPI 0301.6.2 Identify the stated main idea in a reading selection.              0301.6.1 Develop and use pre-reading strategies (e.g., identify a purpose for reading {for information, for enjoyment, for understanding a writer’s position}, make predictions using text features {illustrations, graphics}, preview text using illustrations, graphics, text format, text structures, and skimming).  SPI 0301.6.5 Recognize the parts of a book (e.g., glossary, table of contents). 0301.8.8 Define and identify setting, characters (including main and minor characters), and plot (including sequence of events).  SPI 0301.8.2 Identify setting, characters, and plot in a rdng selection. 0301.8.1 Develop and use pre-reading strategies (e.g., identify a purpose for reading {for information, for enjoyment, for understanding a writer’s position}, make predictions using text features {illustrations, graphics}, preview text using illustrations, graphics, text format, text structures, and skimming).  SPI 0301.8.5 Identify the author’s purpose (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to describe, to share feelings). 0301.8.7 Read and review various literary (e.g., short stories, fairy tales, folktales, poetry, plays, and nonfiction).  0301.4.3 Use reference materials (dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, and encyclopedia).  
SeptemberPIRATESNon-fiction: PiratesMagic Tree House Research Guide Fiction: Treasure IslandGreat Illustrated Classics Myth/Legend: Blackbeard(MTH research guide) Poem: “The Pirate”A Light in the AtticPg 49 Biography:Pirate Treasure (William Kid) 0301.1.1 Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns (e.g., nouns as subjects, singular, plural, and possessives  SPI 0301.1.1 Identify the correct use of nouns (i.e., as subjects, singular and plural) within context. SPI 0301.3.3 Choose a topic sentence for a paragraph. SPI 0301.3.2 Identify the audience for which a text is written. SPI 0301.3.9 Complete a simple graphic organizer to group ideas for writing.0301.1.2 Recognize and avoid errors in Standard English usage (e.g., to/too/two, their/ there/ they’re).  SPI 0301.1.14 Recognize usage errors occurring within context (i.e., double negatives, troublesome words: to/too/two; their/there/they’re). 

0301.5.6 Indicate the sequence of events in text.

 SPI 0301.5.4 Determine sequence of events in text. 0301.6.3 Check for understanding after reading (e.g., draw conclusions based on evidence gained while reading). 0301.7.3 Understand the main idea or message in a visual image (e.g., pictures, cartoons, weather reports on television, newspapers, and photographs).  SPI 0301.7.1 Determine the main idea in a visual image.     0301.8.3 Check for understanding after reading (e.g., draw conclusions based on evidence gained while reading, identify the stated or implied main idea).                          
OctoberANCIENT GREECENon-fiction: Ancient Greece and the OlympicsMagic Tree house Research Guide Fiction: Hour of the Olympics Myths/LegendsGreek Mythology (MTH Research Guide) Poem: ___________ Biograhy:  The Librarian Who Measured the Earth 0301.1.1 pronouns (e.g., subject and object pronouns, substitution for nouns, agreement with antecedents),  0301.1.14 Identify the subject and predicate of a sentence (simple and compound).  SPI 0301.1.5 Select the simple subject and predicate of a sentence.    0301.3.11 Write in complete sentences developed into a logical, coherent paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.  0301.3.12 Use correct page format (e.g., paragraphs, margins, indentations, and titles).  SPI 0301.3.4 Choose a supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in a paragraph.  SPI 0301.3.5 Identify unnecessary information in a paragraph.       0301.1.20 Use a variety of previously learned strategies (e.g., roots and affixes, context, reference resources) to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words.  SPI 0301.1.16 Determine word meanings using prefixes and suffixes and/or context clues.0301.5.1 Distinguish fact from opinion.  SPI 0301.5.2 Distinguish between fact and opinion within text. 0301.6.2/0301.8.2Demonstrate strategies for determining meaning while reading (e.g., formulate clarifying questions, predict outcomes, and create a mental image).  SPI 0301.6.1 Select questions used to focus and clarify thinking before, during, and after reading text. SPI 0301.6.3 Indicate which illustration or graphic best supports a particular text.  
NovemberANCIENT ROME & POMPEII Non-fiction:  Ancient Rome and PompeiiMagic Tree House Research Guide Fiction: Vacation Under the Volcano Biography: Famous Men of Ancient Rome          by John Haaren & A B Poland Poem: “Medusa”, pg 69Falling Up Myths: Roman gods(MTH Research Guide) Legends: Romulus and Remus (MTH Research Guide) Fable_____________ 0301.1.16 Combine simple sentences into compound sentences using compound subjects and/or predicates.  SPI 0301.1.6 Select the compound sentence that correctly combines two simple sentences. 0301.1.1 verbs (e.g., past, present, and future tenses; irregular verb; agreement with simple and compound subjects) SPI 0301.1.2 Identify the correct use of verbs (i.e. present, past, and future tense) within context.    SPI 0301.3.6 Rearrange sentences to form a sequential, coherent paragraph. SPI 0301.3.8 Select an appropriate title that reflects the topic of a written selection0301.1.10 Apply correct orthographic patterns (e.g., consonant doubling, changing “y” to “i”, dropping the final silent “e” before adding the prefix).  SPI 0301.1.15 Recognize root words and their various inflections (e.g., walks, walking, walked). 0301.5.4 Draw inferences and adjust predictions during reading.  0301.5.5 Draw conclusions based on evidence acquired during reading.  SPI 0301.5.1 Draw appropriate inferences and conclusions from text. 0301.6.5 Distinguish fiction from nonfiction.  SPI 0301.6.6 From a list of statements, locate the factual statements from the fictional ones. 0301.4.5 Organize information gathered using a simple graphic organizer.  SPI 0301.4.2 Complete simple graphic (chart, web) organize info from text or technology  
DecemberANCIENT EGYPTMUMMIES Non-fiction: Mummies and Pyramids Magic Tree House Research Guide Fiction: Diaries of Cleopatra Biography: ________ Poem:__________ Myth:__________ Legend:________ Fairy Tale: Egyptian Cinderella story Video: Mysteries of the Pyramids (60 minutes)0301.1.4 Understand and use correctly standard marks of punctuation (e.g., end punctuation; periods in initials, abbreviations and titles before names; colon between hour and minutes; parts of a letter). Commas in dates, addresses & series SPI 0301.1.7 Recognize correct capitalization and end punctuation within context. 0301.1.5 Use commas in direct address, dates, locations and addresses, and items in a series.  0301.3.3 Write friendly letters. SPI 0301.1.4 Identify correctly used capital letters in names, dates, and addresses.0301.1.9 Abbreviate words correctly0301.5.2 Distinguish cause from effect.  SPI 0301.5.3 Identify stated cause-effect relationships in text. 0301.6.6 Use text features to locate information (e.g., charts, tables of contents, maps, and illustrations). SPI 0301.6.4 Locate information using available text features (e.g., charts, maps, graphics). 0301.4.1 Define and narrow a topic for research.           
JanuaryANCIENT EGYPTMUMMIESNon-fiction: Mummies and Pyramids Magic Tree House Research Guide Fiction: Diaries of Cleopatra Biography: ________ Poem:__________ Myth:__________ Legend:________ Fairy Tale: Egyptian Cinderella story Video: Mysteries of the Pyramids (60 minutes03010.1.1 adjectives (e.g., vivid descriptive words, comparative/superlative, articles) SPI 0301.1.3 Identify the correct use of adjectives (i.e., comparative and superlative) within context.SPI 0301.1.9 Identify the correct use of commas with dates, addresses, items in a series, and the greeting and closing of a friendly letter. 0301.1.19 Define and recognize word synonyms and antonyms.  SPI 0301.3.7 Choose the most specific word to complete a simple sentence. 0301.3.1 Write on a specific topic to a specified audience (e.g., self, peers, adults).  0301.3.10 Select and refine a topic.  0301.4.6 Write a simple research report demonstrating the research results.  0301.7.1 Use media to access information (e.g., online catalog, nonfiction books, encyclopedias, CD-ROM references, Internet).  0301.7.2 Use media to enhance reports and oral presentations.   SPI 0301.7.2 Select the most appropriate medium or media for accessing information, writing a report, or making a presentation. SPI 0301.7.3 Recognize the sort of information available through a specific medium SPI 0301.7.4 Choose the most effective medium to enhance a short oral presentation (e.g., still pictures, a model, short video clip, recording).              0301.8.11 Identify and produce rhyming words. SPI 0301.8.1 Identify and/or select rhyming words.  0301.8.6 Recognize varying forms of text (e.g., poems {lines and stanzas), plays {acts, stage directions}, and novels {chapters}.  SPI 0301.8.3 Identify forms of text as poems, plays, or stories. 0301.4.2 Identify three or more resources using more than one medium to support a research topic.  SPI 0301.4.1 Identify the most reliable sources of information to support a research topic.   SPI 0301.4.3 Select appropriate sources from which to gather information on a given topic. 
FebruaryKNIGHTSCASTLESNon-fiction:  Knights and Castles Magic Tree House Research Guide Fiction:  King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table(Great Illustrated Classics) Biography:_________ Poem:__________ Myths/Legends:  Famous Myths and Legends Fairy Tales: VariousStudy of plot features0301.1.8 Form and spell contractions, plurals, possessives  and compound wordsSPI 0301.1.8 Choose the correct formation of contractions and plurals within context. 0301.1.6 Recognize and use contractions and possessives using apostrophes.  0301.3.6 Compare characters, settings, and events within and between stories.  0301.1.11 Arrange and identify words in alphabetical order for practical purposes occurring in everyday life (e.g., lists, phone directory).  SPI 0301.1.11 Rearrange and identify words in alphabetical order; lists, phone directory 0301.5.3 Compare and contrast two characters, ideas, or stories.  0301.8.9 Compare and contrast different versions/representations of similar stories, legends, lessons, or events reflecting different cultures.  SPI 0301.8.4 Recognize basic plot features of fairy tales, folk tales, fables, and myths. SPI 0301.4.4 From a given list, identify information that is (or is not) available in a certain reference source (e.g., what information does one find in a thesaurus). 0301.6.7 Follow multi-tasked instructions in informational and technical texts (follow a recipe, complete assembly instructions).SPI 0301.6.7 Arrange a set of instructions in a sequential, step-by-step order.                              
MarchAMERICAN REVOLUTION Non-fiction: American RevolutionMagic Tree House Research Guide Fiction: Five Smooth Stones  orJohnny Tremaine Biographies:Benedict ArnoldBen FranklinBetsy RossGeorge WashingtonMolly PitcherThomas JeffersonPhillis Wheatley (poetry)John AdamsPaul RevereThomas Paine Poem:  “Forgettable Paul Revere”, pg 122Falling Up Myth:____________Legend:___________    SPI 0301.8.6 Determine the problem in a story and recognize its solution.                             
AprilAMERICAN REVOLUTIONNon-fiction: American RevolutionMagic Tree House Research Guide Fiction: Five Smooth Stones  orJohnny Tremaine Biographies:Benedict ArnoldBen FranklinBetsy RossGeorge WashingtonMolly PitcherThomas JeffersonPhillis Wheatley (poetry)John AdamsPaul RevereThomas Paine Poem:  “Forgettable Paul Revere”, pg 122Falling Up Myth:____________Legend:___________0301.1.1 Adverbs (e.g., common formation and placement in a sentence).                                      
MayAMERICAN REVOLUTIONNon-fiction: American RevolutionMagic Tree House Research Guide Fiction: Five Smooth Stones  orJohnny Tremaine Biographies:Benedict ArnoldBen FranklinBetsy RossGeorge WashingtonMolly PitcherThomas JeffersonPhillis Wheatley (poetry)John AdamsPaul RevereThomas Paine Poem:  “Forgettable Paul Revere”, pg 122Falling Up Myth:____________Legend:___________